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Número Anuncio: 12348582
Anunciante: Marifer econosuites
Fecha: 10-10-2020
Categoría:  Inmuebles > Compra/Venta > Apartamentos
Stay in a fully furnished suite with the comfort of an apartment, you choose the time of your stay that can be per night, week or month. The suite has a double bed, a kitchenette equipped with a microwave, a minibar, kitchen utensils, dishes and a private bathroom. All our rooms have water, electricity, gas and Internet services. We are very near to Viveros metro in the Axotla neighborhood, also near to schools, main avenues, government institutions, hospitals and commercial areas such as insurgentes sur. ¡Reserva ya! Comunícate con Karla Huerta WhatsApp: +52 5534618566

Stay in a fully furnished suite with the comf - Imagen 1 Stay in a fully furnished suite with the comf - Imagen 2 Stay in a fully furnished suite with the comf - Imagen 3

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Marifer econosuites
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